Here is a great list of Romney's strengths and accomplishments, sent to me by Nancy French of
Evangelicals for Mitt.
Governor Romney Has Fought For Lower Taxes: Governor Romney Kept Taxes Down And Helped Abolish A Retroactive Tax Increase. In the bluest of blue states, Governor Romney kept taxes down. Under his leadership, the state abolished a retroactive capital gains tax that would have forced nearly 50,000 taxpayers to pay additional taxes and fees.
Massachusetts Citizens For Limited Taxation Executive Director Barbara Anderson: "There was no one else out on the horizon and with the legislature almost entirely Democratic, we felt it was necessary to have a grown-up in the corner office. … And we were right to back him. He's been a really good friend to the taxpayers." (Shawn Macomber, "Mighty Mitt Romney," The American Spectator, 3/06)
Governor Romney Was The First Potential 2008 Presidential Candidate To Sign The "Taxpayer Protection Pledge" Promising To Oppose Any Effort To Increase Taxes. "Demonstrating his commitment to oppose any effort to increase taxes on the American people, Governor Romney has signed Americans For Tax Reform's 'Taxpayer Protection Pledge.' As part of his pledge, Governor Romney will 'oppose any and all efforts to increase the marginal income tax rates' and 'oppose any net reduction or elimination of deductions and credits.' Governor Romney believes that by keeping taxes low and simplifying the tax code, we can grow the economy and enhance American competitiveness. These fundamental economic beliefs and principles led Governor Romney to become the first potential 2008 presidential candidate to sign Americans For Tax Reform's 'Taxpayer Protection Pledge.'" (Romney For President Exploratory Committee, "Governor Mitt Romney Signs 'Taxpayer Protection Pledge'," Press Release, 1/4/07)
Columnist Robert Novak: "Romney … Has Surrounded Himself With Architects Of Bush's Tax Plan." "During his family vacation in Park City, Utah, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney met with former Bush administration officials who comprise his economic policy team to discuss a tax reform for Romney's presidential campaign. The meeting included Glenn Hubbard, former chairman of President Bush's Council of Economic Advisers (CEA) who is co-chairman of Romney's economic policy council. Also on hand were former Bush economic policy officials Brian Reardon and Cesar Conda. Gregory Mankiw, another former CEA chairman, is Romney's economic co-chairman but could not attend the Utah meeting because of a knee injury. Romney … has surrounded himself with architects of Bush's tax plan." (Robert D. Novak, Op-Ed, "Rudy's Missing Dossier,"
, 1/6/07)
Governor Romney Believes In Fiscal Responsibility: Governor Romney Has A Strong Record Of Fiscal Discipline. Without raising taxes or increasing debt, Governor Romney closed a $3 billion budget deficit his first year in office with a heavily Democrat legislature. Each year, Governor Romney filed a balanced budget without raising taxes. By eliminating waste, streamlining government, and enacting comprehensive economic reforms to help spur growth, Governor Romney helped the state achieve a surplus totaling nearly $1 billion in 2005.
Governor Romney Believes There Must Be A Return To Fiscal Discipline In Our Nation's Capital. The Federal government must stop its borrowing and spending binge. The debt is a burden on our economy, currency, foreign policy, and future. This is beyond pork barrel spending. Governor Romney believes we must address entitlement programs – not just to save money – but to give Americans confidence in their future.
Governor Romney Supported Senator Jim DeMint's (R-SC) Recent Efforts To Stop Wasteful Spending In Washington By Forcing The Disclosure Of All Earmarks. "Today, Governor Mitt Romney released the following statement strongly supporting U.S. Senator Jim DeMint's (R-SC) efforts to stop wasteful spending of the taxpayers' money in Washington. Senator DeMint's amendment will help reform the spending process in a way that brings more transparency and accountability. 'Senator DeMint has shown both courage and conviction for standing by his reform principles and resisting those on Capitol Hill who want to preserve the status quo on wasteful spending. Senator Harry Reid and Capitol Hill Democrats need to recognize that Washington can't continue to pile earmarks onto spending bill after spending bill.'" (Romney For President Exploratory Committee, "Governor Mitt Romney Offers Emphatic Support For DeMint Amendment On Spending Reform," Press Release, 1/12/07)
Governor Romney Is Supported By Leading Conservatives: As He Explores Running For Higher Office, Governor Romney Is Being Supported By Leading Conservatives Across The Nation, Including:
Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC)
Governor Matt Blunt (R-MO)
Former Governor Bill Owens (R-CO)
Former Senator Jim Talent (R-MO)
Representative Marsha Blackburn (R-TN)
Former Representative Vin Weber (R-MN)
Alabama Treasurer Kay Ivey
(R)Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC): "We must elect a President in 2008 who is up to the task, and I need you to encourage Mitt to run. … As a leader who has spent most of his life in the private sector, Governor Romney will call on America's strength and character to solve problems and secure our future." (Senator Jim DeMint, Letter To Fellow Republicans, 1/8/07)
Former Governor Bill Owens (R-CO): "Well, I think he's one of the brightest people I've ever seen in public office. He's a businessman, he's a manager. He understands markets, he understands the private sector. He is a conservative, he wants to cut taxes. You know, he's a Republican who was elected in Massachusetts, which has about 12% of its voters who are Republican. He was able to win that election, and we saw what he did at the Olympics." ("The Hugh Hewitt Show," , 1/4/07)
Governor Romney Is Committed To Fighting And Defeating The Jihadists: Governor Romney Believes The United States Must Do What It Takes To Defeat These Militant Jihadists. The defeat of this radical and violent faction of Islam must be achieved through a combination of American resolve, international effort, and the rejection of violence by moderate, modern, mainstream Muslims. An effective strategy will involve both military and diplomatic actions to support modern Muslim nations. America must help lead a broad-based international coalition that promotes secular education, modern financial and economic policies, international trade, and human rights.
Governor Romney Supports A Comprehensive Change In Iraq Strategy And Increasing Troops On The Ground So Success Can Be Achieved. "I agree with the President: Our strategy in Iraq must change. Our military mission, for the first time, must include securing the civilian population from violence and terror. … In consultation with Generals, military experts and troops who have served on the ground in Iraq, I believe securing Iraqi civilians requires additional troops. … This effort should be combined with clear objectives and milestones for U.S. and Iraqi leaders. The road ahead will be difficult but success is still possible in Iraq. I believe it is in America's national security interest to achieve it." (Romney For President Exploratory Committee, "Governor Mitt Romney On Iraq," Press Release, 1/10/07)
In September 2006, Governor Romney Spoke Out Against Former Iranian President Mohammed Khatami Visiting Harvard University So Close To The 9/11 Anniversary And Refused To Provide A State Police Escort. FOX NEWS' BILL O'REILLY: "'Personal story' segment tonight, former Iranian president Mohammed Khatami is set to visit Harvard this coming Sunday. He's on a tour in the USA. But Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney says the state will not provide any protection, saying Khatami supports violent jihad." … GOVERNOR ROMNEY: "Well, what I say is that on that September 10th and September 11th, on the fifth anniversary of a extraordinary tragedy in America, you don't welcome a person to Harvard with open arms who has preached the destruction of Israel, who has developed nuclear technology, contrary to what he had said, who has jailed dissident students in his country, who has praised Hezbollah. This is a person who's words are worth nothing. And it creates a true farce for Harvard…" (Fox News' "The O'Reilly Factor," 9/6/06)
Governor Romney Has A Record Of Siding With Life: Governor Romney Is Opposed To Abortion, Except In The Cases Of Rape, Incest, And The Life Of The Mother. Like President Ronald Reagan, Henry Hyde and others before him, he has acknowledged that in the past he had this issue wrong.
As Governor Of Massachusetts, When Governor Romney Has Been Presented With Legislation On Life Issues, He Has Sided With Life:
·Governor Romney vetoed legislation that would have provided for the "Morning After Pill" without a prescription.
·Governor Romney fought to promote abstinence education in the classroom.
·Governor Romney vetoed legislation that would have redefined in Massachusetts the longstanding definition of the beginning of human life from fertilization to implantation.
·Governor Romney has supported parental notification laws and opposed efforts to weaken parental involvement.
·Governor Romney supports adult stem cell research but has opposed efforts to advance embryo-destructive research in Massachusetts and he has not supported public funding for embryo-destructive research.
Governor Romney: "When I was running for office 12 years ago, there were a number of things that I said and felt at that time that, with the benefit of experience, I have a different view today. One of those is abortion. As governor, I've had several pieces of legislation reach my desk, which would have expanded abortion rights in Massachusetts. Each of those I vetoed. Every action I've taken as the governor that relates to the sanctity of human life, I have stood on the side of life. So talk is cheap, but action is real. And people can now look at my record." (Robert B. Bluey, "Q&A: Mitt Romney Discusses Iraq War, Reagan's Influence And Gay Marriage," Human Events,
, 12/28/06)
National Review's Kate O'Beirne: "Pro-lifers’ faith in the power of persuasion has been rewarded, and their political clout increased, by important converts, including Presidents Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush. … Romney has been stating his abortion position with the conviction of a convert, in terms that can appeal to a broad audience. Many social conservatives are persuaded that his conversion is genuine." (Kate O'Beirne, "Join The Club," National Review, 1/29/07)
Former New Hampshire Republican House Speaker Donna Sytek: "He's conservative enough for my taste. I'm very strong on life issues. He made some courageous vetoes." (Sarah Liebowitz, "Romney Partygoers Like What They Hear," Concord [NH] Monitor, 12/22/06)
Governor Romney Is A Firm Supporter Of Traditional Marriage: Governor Romney Has Championed Traditional Marriage. Governor Romney agrees with all recorded history that marriage should be a relationship between a man and a woman, and fought for a constitutional amendment to preserve this longstanding traditional definition of marriage. He supports the Federal Marriage Amendment, testified before the Senate on the Federal Marriage Amendment, sent a letter to all 100 U.S. Senators asking them to vote for the Amendment and he opposes civil unions.
Governor Romney Strongly Supports Second Amendment Rights:
Governor Romney Is A Firm Supporter Of Second Amendment Rights. Despite a heavily Democratic anti-gun legislature, Governor Romney has been able to work across the aisle to simplify and clarify gun laws in Massachusetts.
Governor Romney Helped Simplify And Clarify Massachusetts' Gun Laws For Gun Owners:
·Governor Romney supported and signed into law legislation that clarified the term "loaded gun" so that hunters wouldn't have to unload their guns every time they crossed a public road in pursuit of game.
·In July 2006, Governor Romney signed H. 4552, which makes exemptions for the makers of customized target pistols, who, due to a provision within state law, found it increasingly difficult to do business in Massachusetts.
·On the 31st anniversary of the Gun Owner's Action League, Governor Romney declared May 7, 2005 as The Right to Bear Arms Day in Massachusetts.
Governor Romney Believes The United States Must Act To Secure Its Borders: Governor Romney Believes America Must Secure Its Borders And, At The Same Time, Ensure That Hard-Working, Law-Abiding Immigrants Can Become Americans. Immigration has been an important part of our nation's success. The current system, however, puts up a concrete wall to the best and brightest, yet those without skill or education are able to walk across the border. Governor Romney believes in reforming the current immigration laws so we can secure our borders, implement a mandatory biometrically enabled, tamper proof documentation and employment verification system, and increase legal immigration into America.
Governor Romney Increased Access To Healthcare Without A Massive Government-Controlled "Hillary-Care" System: Governor Romney Acted To Make Healthcare More Affordable Without Raising Taxes Or A Government-Controlled System. Bringing the best minds together, including experts at the conservative Heritage Foundation, to address healthcare costs, Governor Romney signed into law a plan affording every citizen health insurance without raising taxes or creating a massive government-controlled system.
The Heritage Foundation: "Massachusetts, a state with a conservative Republican governor and liberal Democratic legislature, has recently enacted comprehensive health care reform. … Several features of the Massachusetts health plan could revolutionize the traditional health care system by empowering individuals to buy and own their health insurance policies and keep these policies with them regardless of job or job status. … Massachusetts officials have made significant strides in reforming their health insurance market, and other states can learn from the Massachusetts experience." (Nina Owcharenko and Robert E. Moffit, "The Massachusetts Health Plan: Lessons For The States," The Heritage Foundation,
, 7/18/06)
Massachusetts Citizens For Limited Taxation: "Romney's plan also got a thumbs up from an unlikely source yesterday – Barbara Anderson, head of Citizens for Limited Taxation, a group that often looks with deep suspicion on government mandates and programs. … The tax activist said that Romney is proposing universal insurance, not universal health care – which Anderson said society effectively already has, as almost no one is denied care even if they can't pay for it. 'Let's just face that reality and deal with it,' Anderson said, adding that covering more people will reduce costs to taxpayers." (Jay Fitzgerald, "Romney Wins Health-Y Reviews," Boston Herald, 6/23/05)
Governor Romney Is Widely Praised For His Strong Record On Social Conservative Issues: A Coalition Of Massachusetts Social Conservative Leaders Are Supporting Governor Romney Because "He Shares Our Values, As Well As Our Determination To Protect Them."
"Since well before 2003, we have been laboring in the trenches of Massachusetts, fighting for the family values you and we share. It is difficult work indeed – not for the faint of heart. In this challenging environment, Governor Romney has proven that he shares our values, as well as our determination to protect them. For four years, Governor Romney has been right there beside us, providing leadership on key issues – whether it was politically expedient to do so or not. He has stood on principle, and we have benefited greatly from having him with us. It is clear that Governor Romney has learned much since 1994 – to the benefit of our movement and our Commonwealth. In fact, the entire nation has benefited from his socially conservative, pro-family actions in office." ("An Open Letter Regarding Governor Mitt Romney," Open Letter
, 1/11/07)
Conservative Commentator Dean Barnett: "First, let me outline a few Romney characteristics. He is, personally, a deeply conservative man. He is a traditionalist to his core. Second, as I said above, he is a profoundly decent man." (Dean Barnett, "Hugh Hewitt" Blog, "Romney A Social Conservative? Yes!" , 12/21/06)
·Barnett: "Romney is someone who at his core and in his politics shares the aims of socially conservative Republicans. … He'll pursue the socially conservative agenda whenever there's a chance to do so." (Dean Barnett, "Hugh Hewitt" Blog, "Romney A Social Conservative? Yes!" , 12/21/06)