AZ for Mitt

A blog dedicated to informing Arizonans about Mitt Romney and the campaign for the 2008 presidential nomination.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Someone has done the math at, and apparently Romney is best positioned to win enough delegates to claim the nomination by just consistently taking second place.

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Blogger Veritas said...

Maybe Mitt wouldn't have to come in second if he would get the shine out of his hair, wear a little more casual suits and talk populism, populism, populim.

The people want good jobs, the old coming back or new ones with training, tax cuts, simplified tax code, if any, closed borders, employer sanctions, universal health care by way of tax credits or tax subsidies to purchase non-governmental insurance. He should not discount Ron Paul's positions. They are not all wrong and he speaks for many Americans.

9:18 PM  
Blogger James Phillips said...

"Maybe Mitt [should] populism, populism, populim [sp]."

Mitt's a Reagan Republican. Not Huey Long. Not Mike Huckabee. Not a Democrat.

"They [Paul's positions] are not all wrong..."

Great argument. Kind of like saying terrorists aren't all bad.

"...he [Paul] speaks for many Americans."

How are you defining "many"? 8% in New Hampshire? 10% in Iowa?

2:24 PM  
Blogger NM_Mitt_Commit said...

All Romney supporters, let's make a push for donations on Wednesday, January 16, 2008, the day after the Michigan primaries. The media and the other Republican candidates are trying to push MITT out because they know he is strong.

I will be a first time donor. If you haven't donated, donate on that day. If you already donated, do it again on that day, even if it's just $10.

Now the hard part, commit to finding five more people who will donate on that day. We have to get up off our duffs and do something or a good man may go down, and we will wonder why. Also, try to get your five donors to commit to finding five more donors.

I may only get a little tree here in New Mexico, but if everybody else gets a small tree, we may just create a forest.



8:42 AM  

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