AZ for Mitt

A blog dedicated to informing Arizonans about Mitt Romney and the campaign for the 2008 presidential nomination.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Evangelicals for Mitt's David French has a good post on today's release of Mitt and Rudy's fundraising numbers. Essentially, comparing apples to apples (let's see if the mainstream media will actually do that), Rudy raised about a million dollars more than Romney: $15 million to $14 million, if you take out the $6.5 million loan Romney gave himself (which boosts his numbers past Guiliani).

Now, I find these numbers puzzling. Rudy admitted spent a majority of his energies in this quarter fundraising, with some numbers indicated he had twice as many fundraising events as did Romney in June. Yet, "America's Mayor," the man leading the GOP polls, was only able to bring in $1 million dollars more? Why? Romney still suffers from name recognition, yet he more than doubles his donor base and barely get out-fundraised by the "rock star" of the Republican party.

If Rudy continues to have to exert twice the energy to barely outraise Romney, my guess is that is going to hurt Guiliani down the road when he needs to broaden his activities.


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