AZ for Mitt

A blog dedicated to informing Arizonans about Mitt Romney and the campaign for the 2008 presidential nomination.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

CBN's David Brody records this round of McCain v. Romney, with Romney winning:

Good news for Mitt Romney but for John McCain's staff and supporters, grab a chair. You're going to need to be sitting down for this. Yesterday here on The Brody File I asked readers to email me their response to this question:

"As a pro-life voter, who would you vote for? John McCain or Mitt Romney? Who do you view as the candidate that will best represent the pro-life movement?"

After being deluged by emails, the answer is Mitt Romney in a runaway. It wasn't even close. More than 90% of people who emailed me said Romney was the guy, hands down. Now, this isn't scientific of course and I realize that Romney supporters may have gotten word about my post and reacted accordingly. Nobody knows for sure. What is apparent is that those who are for Romney on the life issue, love this guy with a passion.Here's a couple samplings from the emails.

"Studies conclude that 70% of your political opinions are formed by nurture from your parents. Romney's mother was for Roe v. Wade at first, but look, the point is that I believe Romney was pro-life all along. However, there were some factors in his life that caused him to only think he was pro-abortion. I think underneath all the accusations of flip-flopping, there's a candidate who is now passionately anxious to do whatever he can to overturn Roe v. Wade. I admire how he looks as it not only as a moral issue, but as a legal issue. He thinks it was not the job of the courts to decide if abortion should be legal. I agree."

"Romney’s personal life and religion, a religion I do not share, demonstrate to me a profound love and respect for family and children. I believe he is sincerely and deeply committed to protecting the rights of the unborn."

"McCain has risked little politically with his "life" record (being from a Red State but still never being on the forefront or frontlines of the pro-life fight.) Sure he's got a "neat and tidy" voting record to refer to, but, even though he's "the king" of sponsoring new legilsation, I'm not aware of him taking a leadership role for "pro-life" causes. Plus, he's constantly shown that he's willing to "show-up" the conservative base if it suits him at the time."

"Not only has McCain expressed no qualms about embryonic stem-cell research, but his pro-life stance seems almost by default.I have found Romney's conversion story sincere and touching."

"My understanding is that when Romney ran for Governor of MA he paid lip service to the pro-choice crowd because he was running as a fiscal conservative, rather than a social conservative, in a socially liberal state. To get to the leadership positions that Romney achieved in the LDS church, he would have followed the LDS church's strict guidlines regarding the church's stand on abortion."

"The only change over the years in Mr. Romney's position on abortion has been from a reluctance to impose his personal anti-abortion convictions on others to a deeper realization of the affect of pro-choice laws on the attitudes of our society toward the sanctity of life. The circumstances giving rise to Mr. Romney's earlier decision not to oppose pro-choice legislation and to his more recent decision to oppose it demonstrate that his conversion is both genuine and unwavering."


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