AZ for Mitt

A blog dedicated to informing Arizonans about Mitt Romney and the campaign for the 2008 presidential nomination.

Monday, December 11, 2006

"Mr. Powerpoint Goes to Washington" is the title of an article looking at how Romney's business background helps him in the public sector (thanks to Iowans for Romney for the scoop). Here are a few quotes, though I recommend reading the whole thing:

The episode highoights what would become the defining characteristic of Romney's career as a venture capitalist--and later as a government executive. He was willing to pursue--and analyze--data that others wouldn't bother to chase down. His dogged persistence paid off.

Since 2003, he has served as governor of Massachusetts--a Republican running the most Democratic state in America. Romney, who turns 60 in March, is now laying the groundwork for a presidential campaign. His record in business and government, coupled with his personal discipline and a strong campaign organization, give him credibility even in a GOP field where Arizona senator John McCain and former NYC mayor Rudolph Giuliani are now far ahead in early polls.

I might add that these early polls are about one thing: name recognition. And given that the president is the chief executive for the country (something most voters seem to understand given the fact that we almost always elect a former governor), one wonders what executive experience and skill senators such as John McCain and Sam Brownback could bring to the overwhelming demands of the Oval Office.


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